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Meet the team with… Alla Lomaka, Quality Assurance Lead

Published: 28 October 2021

With exceptional communication and collaboration skills and a background in law, find out from our Quality Assurance Lead Alla Lomaka how we achieve the work life balance of hybrid working.


How did you first get into the world of tech?

I first became involved in the IT community during my university studies where I was invited to try my hand at something new — testing web applications. At the time, the profession was only just gaining popularity and specialists were in high demand. 

Prior to this, I worked in a court and even obtained a law degree. But finding that my passion lay within tech, I never did return to the legal sector.

And what was the biggest attraction for you?

The atmosphere and culture within the software development sector was really attractive to me. Seeing such large teams of people coming together to use their skills and create web applications for some of the largest and most influential organisations in the United States was an exciting process to be part of.  

What’s the one quality you need to thrive in this environment (especially at IDS)?

It is difficult to define one quality, but I’d say that good communication skills are key. 

With effective collaboration, each team member can remain involved and informed throughout the entire development process to effectively meet both project and client needs.

And what is the biggest challenge that the industry currently faces? OR What’s the biggest challenge in your role?

Multitasking is one of the biggest challenges that we encounter every day, along with the impact of Covid-19 on our working lives. During the first year we adjusted to our entire team working remotely, now it is a case of finding a balance with hybrid work. 

Being in the home environment presents hurdles of its own, as we find ways to combine work and family — navigating Zoom calls while children are in the house can make for an interesting mix!

In spite of any changes in working environment, it is essential that we are able to maintain the balance between professionalism, quality and speed. 

What are the key things that make IDS stand out from the crowd?

IDS has an incredible team. Each member is an expert in their field and has a vast level of experience. But that’s not all that makes them special, on a more personal level they’re all dedicated, loyal and use their initiative to help drive great outcomes for our clients. 

What is your favourite IDS project so far?

It has to be Timbo, a collaboration tool for conducting Scrum events online. 

Not only do our clients applaud it as a platform for remote meetings, but we also use this ourselves – which goes to show just how successful this project has been. 

What do you get up to, away from work?

For a couple of years now, we have been building our dream house — so that keeps me busy outside of work. I am also a keen gardener, which means I’m very much looking forward to spending summer days enjoying the garden of our new home when we finally move in. 

Thank you, Alla

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